You’re Invited!!!
All are welcome and invited to kick-off the “Welcome To Jamrock Reggae Cruise 2024” on December 08th, with our Official Pre-Party being held at one of the best vibe venues in Miami, ToeJam Backlot. This party will be bumping from 8pm-3am, with over 20 world-renowned Reggae DJs. Meet past and new fellow shipmates, DJs & Sound Systems, as we get the party started.

Keep the party going with our annual WTJRC POST PARTY!! Be sure to plan your travel accordingly and stay one more night to celebrate with us! Continue to raise the vibrations with your fellow Jamrock cruisers and favorite DJs. More details coming soon!

9th Annual Sound Clash at Sea
Don’t miss the WTJRC Soundclash at Sea 2024!! CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!!! This will be the ULTIMATE Clash At Sea with reigning champions Tony Matterhorn, Dynamq, Warrior Sound, and Jah Works!!!!

Get ready to shine! We’re lighting up the night in our brightest whites during Night 2 of WTJRC 2024! Prepare for a stunning evening and special night to remember!

Get ready to sail into the night with style and pizzazz! Join us for an unforgettable "Blackout Night", evening on Night 3, where you’ll dress to impress in your sleekest black attire. Our "Blackout" themed evening is a celebration of elegance and unity, set against the vibrant backdrop of others, who join from 48 countries, along with the most renowned reggae talent. Dress code is black, yet the night will light up the skies.

Rep Your Country Theme Night
Show some love and Rep Your Country on Night 4! This year the decks will be packed with Jamrock shipmates from over 50+ different countries, All In The Same Boat! This extra special night is all about expressing the country that best represents you - loud and proud!!

FlowRider Contest
Any surfers on board Jamrock? Get ready to test your skills and try your luck during our Annual WTJRC FlowRider Contest!! You have all week to practice before the contest kicks off Day 5 at 4:00pm at the FlowRider on Deck 13. Scoring will be based on duration of ride and style points. Winner to receive a Jamrock merch gift certificate plus bragging rights as the “Best Surfer” on board the ship! No sign up is required, first come-first serve to the first 10 surfers ready to compete!!

Football Tournament
Don't miss our Annual WTJRC Football Tournament held on Days 2 + 5 with some of your favorite artists and fellow shipmates! Meet at the court on Deck 13 to compete or cheer on your shipmates and see who takes the W!

Domino Tournament
Get ready for our Annual #WTJRC Domino Tournament! On Days 2 + 5 beginning at 11:00am we will host one 90min tournament round in the Playmaker’s Bar & Arcade on Deck 4. All winners will receive a gift certificate to our official merch store on board!! Attendance will be organized on a first-come, first-serve basis. No sign-up necessary. Don’t get blocked, this is your chance to WIN!

Door Decorating Contest
For all you creative cruisers, the Door Decorating Contest will commence Night 1, and we expect nothing but the best! WTJRC judges will select the top 2 winners, announced on Day 4! The prize? A WTJRC merch certificate and your door featured on our social media! Ready, set….decorate!!

Yoga with Nadine McNeil
Join Universal Empress, Nadine McNeil, daily, for an inspiring and elevating yoga experience on board this year’s cruise. Whether you're brand new to yoga or are a seasoned practitioner, she's got you covered.

“Kamp Kamila” with Kamila Mcdonald
Get ready for fitness with feeling in Studio B, Deck 3 with the one and only, Kamila Mcdonald! Guests will be led through an uplifting and exhilarating workout curated by some of the best WTJRC Live DJs selecting your favorite reggae and dancehall beats!! All levels of experience welcomed. No sign-up necessary, just bring comfortable workout clothes/shoes and a good vibe!

Nyabinghi Sunrise
With a pledge of “love to all human beings” the Nyabinghi Rastafari are a very special part of WTJRC. Gathering on the top deck each morning at dawn, they welcome the new day with a powerful performance of sacred drumming and chanting. We highly encourage you to see this especially uplifting experience!

Meditation & Sound Bath with Casannie
Take it easy & find peace of mind in the mornings with a traditional meditation & sound bath experience led by Cassanie on board Jamrock 2024!! These 1 hour sessions are healing & focus on restorative poses, mindfulness, and deep controlled breathing. Each class is accompanied by a soothing sound bath to encourage relaxation & reflection. This holistic experience will raise your vibrations and get you tuned in for the busy and exciting day ahead. No sign-up necessary & all cruisers are welcome to join!

Movies on WTJRC
This year relax in the Royal Theatre, Decks 3 & 4 with a special selection of culturally rich movies Check the schedule for showtimes.

JAMROCK RADIO, produced by the award-winning Playmaker Group, an instrumental part of black music radio across the world for over 30 years, will host the exclusive WTJRC onboard radio station. Select DJ’s from Jamaica, New York, LA and the UK amongst others will come together to entertain cruisers on the high seas! The station will host live broadcasts and highlights from the main stage performances, in addition to an “Up Close & Personal” series with some of the star artists performing on the ship. Cruisers can tune in directly from the privacy of their own room, around the ship or live at the station. JAMROCK RADIO is located on the Promenade, Deck 5.

Artist Meet & Greets
Meet some of your favorite WTJRC artists in person at the meet & greet on our days at sea! Bring a poster, a CD for an autograph, or snap a quick selfie with an artist on your cell phone. Our meet & greets have a capacity limit due to performance schedules and time sensitivity to the artists. Please be respectful...and remember - you never know who you will run in to after the show, in the elevator, or on your way to dinner!

Book Drive
WTJRC proudly hosts an annual Book Drive to benefit The Jamaica Library Service (JLS). We give thanks to all the cruisers and presenting artists who have helped support this wonderful initiative over the years. Future participants: please consider donating children's books which are new or slightly worn, fiction or non-fiction, for children aged 4-16. WTJRC cruisers can drop off your donations anytime between Monday (Day 1) and Wednesday (Day 3) on board at the official WTJRC merch store (Promenade Kiosk), Playmakers Lounge (Deck 4) or at the kiosk located in front of the gift shop, or information desk, also on the Promenade - Deck 5.

Exercise Extravaganza
Do not miss an exciting sampling of all Jamrock health & wellness activities during our Exercise Extravaganza!!! Start and finish the week strong and get powered up like never before on WTJRC! Rise and shine with your shipmates on Days 2 & 5 at the Mainstage, Deck 11 for yoga, fitness, dancehall, meditation + sound bath, and Nyabinghi drumming! Celebrate the culture and your mind, body, and soul with this dynamic experience!!

Dancehall Classes
New for WTJRC 2024: Dancehall Classes!!! Enjoy a boost of confidence and get ready to go all out during these exciting classes, taught by professional Choreographers and Dancehall teachers.
No worries, as we cater to beginners for pure fun and entertainment. Dancehall Classes will be held in Studio B, Deck 3. All levels of experience are welcome and no sign-up is necessary. Just bring comfortable clothes/shoes to move and groove in and a positive vibe! Schedule coming soon!